"Dream To Reality Blueprint" Presented By Rika Markel  Certified Proctor Gallagher Consultant

"Unlock the Power of Your Mind & Get Closer to Your Dreams 
at This 5-Day Mental Mastery Challenge. 
Transform Your Thoughts, Unleash Your Potential."



Unlock this secret blueprint that allows you to realize your dreams in weeks or months instead of in a 
life time...


Unlock This Secret Blueprint that allows you to Realize Your Dreams in Weeks or Months instead of in a Life Time...

At this moment we are not running this challenge. Please come back later! Thank you.

Replays Available in Private Facebook Group

Group Growth Blueprint


Discover the largely unknown blueprint that allows you to monetize Facebook groups, attract better leads, and automate your sales with explosive group engagement...


00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

NEXT live training starting soon

"You have to dream before your dreams can come true." 
-- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

The Fastest Way To Go From Dream To Reality

Do you feel stuck but you know there has to be more to life?

You know what you want but every time it comes closer you feel it slipping away again?

Are you afraid of change? You suppress your dreams because the fear of failure is so much bigger than the urge to succeed?

on the outside, it looks like you have it all, but inside you feel empty?

Are you working more hours than you are paid for and you see promotions always going to some one else?

Do you want a better life for yourself and your family but you have no idea where to start?

Are you ready to take your life to the next level?

If so, then you're going to LOVE the "Dream Into Reality" 5 day Challenge! 

My name is Rika Rivka Markel

This is my personal invite for you to join something I call the "Dream Into Reality" 5-Day Challenge

If you answered "YES" to either of the questions above, then I know something about you...

You have the desire to do BIG THINGS...

You have a dream inside of you that is waiting to come out.... 

And you know that it will not happen if you keep on doing the same things!

live training starting on FEBRUARY 13, 2022

5 Days to change your life...

Dream To Reality Blueprint

Discover the hidden secrets on how to
 Transform Your Dreams into Reality, 
Your Goals into Achievements 
and Your Thinking into Results.

My name is Rika Markel

This is my personal invite for you to join something I call the "Dream Into Reality" 5-Day Challenge.

If you you have the desire to do BIG THINGS...

You have a dream inside of you that is waiting to come out.... 

And you know that it will not happen if you keep on doing the same things!
5 Days To Change Your Life
Discover the hidden secrets on how to
 Transform Your Dreams into Reality, 
Your Goals into Achievements 
and Your Thinking into Results.
(and how my mentor Bob Proctor successfully taught this to others in any industry 
including health, business, and personal development)
Day 1: What is a DREAM? What is YOUR DREAM?
On the first day, you will understand that you can start the process "Dream into Reality" right NOW.
  • Discover the TRUTH behind the law of attraction.
  • ​What is the difference between a goal and a dream?
  • When you don't create deliberately, you create by default.
  • How to start changing your results right away.
  • Connect to likeminded people.
Turning your dreams into reality starts with a decision and an attitude, everyone can do this, including YOU.
You will leave this training with a total different view of how your life unfolds, you will know a secret that only 1% of people ever get to explore.
Day 2: It is all in the details.
Your world is a reflection of what is going on inside of you.
  • ​Going from ordinary to extraordinary.
  • The knowing - Doing Gap. 
  • Your paradigms are holding you back.
  • No one can do this for you, it starts in your brain.
  • ​The clearer you are, the more detailed you can be, the better the results will be and the faster they will show up in your life. 
Day 3: Overcoming the Terror Barrier 
On the third day, you will learn the power of your paradigms and how crushing the Terror Barrier is necessary every time you want to progress in life.
  • ​Start thinking into results.
  • ​Understanding the rules of the mind.
  • How our programing is much more powerful than we can ever imagine.
  • ​We think in pictures.
  • ​The stick person.
​You will understand why you are not yet manifesting what you really want and you will get a framework on how to start turning your dreams into reality. 
After day 4 you will know exactly what is holding you back and how to release this pattern. You will be ready for the real work provided on day 5.
Day 4: Become the person you have to be
On the fourth day, you will explore your self image. You can never outperform the person that you think you are. 
  • What is our body-mind-vibration. 
  • ​You attract what you are.
  • ​Our internal thermostat.
  • ​The easiest way to manifest fast.
  • Create your own mind movie.
  • ​The best way to let go of limited beliefs.
Day 5: Dream into Reality Blueprint
On the fifth day, you will learn the exact steps on how to create your perfect life.
  • ​How to use the Law of Vibration to manifest what you want in life.
  • ​The power of community.
  • ​What's next?
  • ​Toolbox
    You will be able to use the "Dream to Reality" Blueprint over and over again to reach all your dreams and live the life you always wanted.
    5 Days To Turn your dreams into reality
    Discover the hidden secrets on how to
     Transform Your Dreams into Reality, 
    Your Goals into Achievements 
    and Your Thinking into Results.
    (and how my mentor Bob Proctor successfully taught this to others in any industry 
    including health, business, and personal development)
    Challenge includes in depth training sessions, projects, Q & A  and feedback sessions.
    Day 1: What is a dream?
    On the first day, you will understand that you can start the process "Dream into Reality" right NOW.
      - Discover the TRUTH behind the law of attraction.
      ​- The magic word.
      - When you don't create deliberately, you create by default.
      - How to start changing your results right away.
      - Connect to likeminded people.
    Turning your dreams into reality starts with a decision and an attitude, everyone can do this, including YOU.
    Day 2: It is all in the details.
    Your world is a reflection of what is going on inside of you.
      ​- Start thinking into results.
      ​- Understanding the rules of the mind.
      - How our programing is much more powerful than we can ever imagine.
      ​- We think in pictures.
      ​- The stick person.
    You will leave this training with a total different view of how your life unfolds, you will know a secret that only 1% of people ever get to explore.
    Day 3: Thinking into Results.
    On the third day, you will learn the power of your paradigms and how crushing the Terror Barrier is necessary every time you want to progress in life.
    ​- Start thinking into results.
    ​- Understanding the rules of the mind.
    - How our programing is much more powerful than we can ever imagine.
    ​- We think in pictures.
    ​- The stick person.
        DAY 3 RESULT
        ​You will understand why you are not yet manifesting what you really want and you will get a framework on how to start turning your dreams into reality.  
        Day 4: Become the person you have to be. 
        On the fourth day, you will explore your self image. You can never outperform the person that you think you are. 
          - What is our body-mind-vibration. 
          ​- You attract what you are.
          ​- Our internal thermostat.
          - ​The easiest way to manifest fast.
          - Create your own mind movie.
          - ​The best way to let go of limited beliefs.
        DAY 4 RESULT
        After day 4 you will know exactly what is holding you back and how to release this pattern. You will be ready for the real work provided on day 5.
        Day 5: Manifestation at its best.
        On the fifth day, you will learn the exact steps on how to create your perfect life.
          ​​- How to use the Law of Vibration to manifest what you want in life.
          ​- The power of community.
          - ​What's next?
          ​- Toolbox
        DAY 5 RESULT
        You will be able to use the "Dream to Reality" Blueprint over and over again to reach all your dreams and live the life you always wanted.

        When These Clients Came To Us, They were STUCK. Look At Them Now! 👇👇👇

        Rika injects each session with practical techniques (including meditations), resources, and insights from her own extensive professional experience and transformational journey. Her coaching intersects the personal and professional spectrums so seamlessly, it is like having a life and professional coach all in one! I highly recommend Rika for anyone seeking to make sustainable changes in their life for greater overall fulfillment.

        Mikhala Stein Kotlyar, 
        social impact practitioner and mother of two, Bergen County, NJ

        When These Clients Came To Us, They were STUCK. Look At Them Now! 👇👇👇

        Transform Your Dreams into reality

        In Less Than 5 Days You'll Have 
        A Blueprint That You Can Use For Every Dream You Have... 

        Each Day I Will Coach You On...

        Genesis believes people don't just buy on launch day...

        Instead they buy every day with - their time, their clicks and posts and tweets - this is big data.

        Understanding how to use big data allows us to be bigger than the competition, and it allows us to make a bigger impact.

        But, a few simple things are holding you back... and it isn't happening as quickly as you'd like.

        Which Is Why I Created THIS CHALLENGE FOR YOU

        Here's the TRUTH:

        What do all HAPPY, HEALTHY and WEALTHY people have in common?

        They all have the effortless ability to turn their dreams into reality.

        Not just that, they have most of the process on automatic pilot, they formed it into a habit.

        Me, personally? I have realized almost everything that I put into my MindMovie 3 years ago, from buying the lake house, writing a book, traveling in an RV, becoming a painter and so much more.
        It took me over two decades to figure this out.

        But then one day I decided that I NEEDED to know the secret and I started studying the best manifestation teachers in the world. 

        Everything really changed when I became aware that there was one person showing up in all the success stories of my teachers and that was BOB PROCTOR. 

        As much as I learned from Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Vitale, Bruce Lipton, Dr. Bessel Vander Kolk, Dr. Gabor Mate, Neville Goddard to name a few, Bob Proctor was able to put the manifestation process in simple language that worked every single time. 

        Bob Proctor taught me to THINK INTO RESULTS.

        Best Part?

        The "Dream Into Reality Blueprint" helped so many people already live their dreams all over the world.
        Now, I want to help you do the same...

        In Less Than 5 Days You'll Have 
        A Blueprint That You Can Use For Every Dream You Have...

        Each Day I Will Coach You On...


        Take The Challenge to Create

        a new reality by achieving your goals and by thinking into results.

        Challenge your idea of what's possible and skip years of struggle.


        5 Day Commitment and Participation

        1-2 hrs per day for 5 days. Accomplish a result each day.

        Final Result

        Being able to turn your dreams into reality over and over again. 

        Level up by integrating the newly learned principles in your daily life. 

        This Class Is For

        GO-gettters that need a little help. 

        Beginner or advanced, this class will exceed your expectations.

        5 days- One Hour Per Day- "TAKE ACTION" Oriented
        Spend 5 Days with Rika Markel and get the kick in the butt you need to create a BLUEPRINT THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE NOW!  You won't leave this challenge just feeling good, you could leave it with the blueprint to success!

        This Stuff Actually Gets Results!

        Brooke generated over $10K in 30 days inside our program!

        Gary generated $10k in 30 days inside our program!

        Sami generated $10k in 30 days inside our program!

        If I Can Do It, Why Not You?

        still have questions? here are some answers
        Frequently Asked Questions
        Q: Who is this 5 day challenge for?
        This challenge is for you when you are ready to get unstuck. You know that you have more in you, but you just don't know how to get there. Or when you already tried the Lay Of Attraction but it just doesn't seem to work for you, although you do believe in it and you see others creating out of thin air. 
        This challenge is also for you when you feel overwhelmed by anxiety even though on the outside it looks like you have everything under control but deep inside you are just miserable. After this 5 days you will know exactly why this is happening and how you can turn this around.

        Q: Who is this challenge not for?
        People who are looking for an "easy way", a magic pill, a one time practice, or "secret formula". This is also NOT a way for opportunity seekers or people that want easy money. It's not a shiny object to let dust collect on, you MUST go through the challenge in order to get the desired results.  If you are not serious about your future, no reason to waste your time. 
        Q: How much is the live class?
        The General Admission Experience is $39. There will be an opportunity to send in questions. Sometimes we open the call for live questions, depending on the amount of people that participate. 
        Q: How is this different than other courses or free content or free offers?
        I bring in my personal experience. I was a seeker my whole life, trying to find the magic way to live a happy and fulfilled life. It is only after the content of this challenge and integrating it in my life with the help of my mentor that I was able to really take full advantage of a knowledge that was available for centuries. 
        Q: Are the challenge classes live?
        Yes, classes will be live and recorded, and will be posted in the Facebook group. In between live challenges you will be able to watch the previous replays while waiting for the next live challenge. The main reason for that is that I just want to get you started, if you are serious about manifesting your dreams, you can start today. Message me any questions, any time. 
        Q: How does the 5 day challenge work?
        While the challenge is running: each day we will have the general session at 1 pm EST. In the evening you are encouraged to complete the daily tasks and ask questions in the Facebook Group each evening should you have any.
        Q: Will I get direct feedback from Rika?
        Yes and no, the calls are sometimes open for questions, but most of the time you will send your question in messenger, where you can ask anything covered in the challenge. Stay tuned for pop up lives.
        still have questions? here are some answers
        Frequently Asked Questions
        Q: Who is this 5 day class for?
        This challenge is for you when you are ready to get unstuck. You know that you have more in you, but you just don't know how to get there. Or when you already tried the Lay Of Attraction but it just doesn't seem to work for you, although you do believe in it and you see others creating out of thin air. 
        This challenge is also for you when you feel overwhelmed by anxiety even though on the outside it looks like you have everything under control but deep inside you are just miserable. After this 5 days you will know exactly why this is happening and how you can turn this around.

        Q: Who is this class not for?
        People who are looking for an "easy way", a magic pill, a one time practice, or "magic wand".
        Q: How much is the live class?
        The General Admission Experience is $39. There will be an opportunity to send in questions. Sometimes we open the call for live questions, depending on the amount of people that participate. 
        Q: How is this different from other courses or free content or offers?
        I bring in my personal experience. I was a seeker my whole life, trying to find the magic way to live a happy and fulfilled life. It is only after the content of this challenge and integrating it in my life with the help of my mentor that I was able to really take full advantage of a knowledge that was available for centuries. 
        Q: Are the challenge classes live?
        Yes, classes will be live and recorded, and will be posted in the Facebook group. In between live challenges you will be able to watch the previous replays while waiting for the next live challenge. The main reason for that is that I just want to get you started, if you are serious about manifesting your dreams, you can start today. Message me any questions, any time. 
        Q: How does the 5 day challenge work?
        While the challenge is running: each day we will have the general session at 1 pm EST. In the evening you are encouraged to complete the daily tasks and ask questions in the Facebook Group each evening should you have any.
        Q: Will I get direct feedback from Rika?
        Yes and no, the calls are sometimes open for questions, but most of the time you will send your questions in messenger, where you can ask anything covered in the challenge. Stay tuned for pop up lives.

        If not now, WHEN? What are you waiting for?